Try the luxe preview
You can try the luxe preview by downloading the luxe launcher here. Read this page first!

You made it! hello!
You can try the luxe preview by downloading the luxe launcher below.
Before you do, we hope you read the page below, first!
What is luxe? Read this other page first!
What to expect from the preview
We created luxe for ourselves, though we want to empower others as well. As you can imagine making something like luxe is a journey, a marathon. We can't wait for you to use it, try it, to contribute and all that fun stuff. Here's some notes:
- Preview means preview - there are bugs, gaps, issues, quality of life quirks and more. Be expecting it, and let us know if you run into issues, we can fix stuff we know about! Perfect doesn’t exist so don’t expect it here. We’re interested in pragmatic, useful and nice to use tools - flaws and all.
- Made in a game studio - we use luxe to make games every day. We're a small experienced team, which (unsurprisingly) impacts what we focus on (and when). We use it in production on multiple games (other devs do too). Having other people use luxe helps cover things we can't and don't - luxe is designed for it!
- 2D first - while luxe is capable and supports 3D, the preview is focused on being a great 2D tool first. Follow the roadmap to see when we transition from preview to 2D ready, and then after that to 3D ready.
- luxe is different but familiar - We believe having more engines exist is always better. If they were all the same though we wouldn't feel the need to make luxe! The way we like to work might be of interest to you, so try it out, see if you like it.
- There's constant movement - We are finalizing a large body of work from years of iterating and there are in flight systems. Things move quickly though, especially with people using the engine, so make stuff! It really helps us move forward.
We think it's important that luxe exists. We believe it's important to aim to be a sustainable tool for game devs, not tied up by VC, infinite growth or other unhealthy models. That means we - a collective effort - either we want luxe to exist (and thrive), or we don't!
Here are some of our goals:
- We want luxe to be accessible and available to many
- We want to pay the dev team a healthy rate (we already do)
- We'd like to support a wider range of games/devs (esp. under-served ones)
- We'd like to keep it stable, support and maintain a wider range of platforms
Here's how we aim to do that:
Pricing: Pay-What-You-Should-If-You-Can
We believe software like luxe (ones that require ongoing development, maintaining, platform sdk updates, ...!) work best for both the user and the devs, with a self-managed subscription based model. Read about our thinking on that here.
Our version feels fair to us, and looks like this:
- Free to evaluate - no logins, no reasons, no time (or other) limits. If you're figuring out if luxe is for you or your team, we're happy to see it
- Free if not feasible for you - If you can't, no questions asked. It's for everyone.
- Free if you're a student (not an institution, that's different)
- Free for game jams - Any and all, big or small
If you can, you should:
- Tinkerer - A good option for infrequent/inconsistent users, hobbyists, and more. You should support it at this tier if you can.
- Explorer - If you use luxe often and rely on it, you should support it at this tier if you can.
- Foundation - If you're a funded person, studio or team or have access to > 100k USD in the last 365 days, this tier is for you. You should support at this tier. Max 16 seats.
- Business - If you need more than 16 seats, or you have access to > $1m USD in the last 365 days, this tier is required, you must contact us to customize pricing.
You can see the pricing below!
Want to pay even more? We have options for it, let us know.
Want to donate to luxe development once off? You can do that too.
There are a few restrictions at the moment - see here. But critically,
You may not use luxe for the following, no exceptions:
- military use
- the gambling industry
- crypto/NFTs/related
Preview roadmap
The preview roadmap is where you can see the big picture stuff we have in progress, or planned.
View the roadmap here!
We have a more in-depth roadmap landing soon!
Download luxe
Once you've read the above details, jump in by downloading the luxe launcher.
You can find the release notes over in the community.
You can use luxe from Windows, Mac or Linux:
Windows - luxe launcher for Windows
MacOS - luxe launcher for MacOS
Linux - luxe launcher for Linux
If something goes wrong, check these threads first! Troubleshooting.
And then...
- Read the tutorials and documentation!
- Join the community to show your work or get help!
- If you post online, try to use the `#createwithluxe` tag
- Have fun! We're out here making games!