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luxe API (2025.1.2)

luxe: bytes module


import "luxe: bytes" for Byter

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Byter.pos returns unknown

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Byter.inner returns unknown

no docs found Any) returns Byter

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Byter.bytes() returns unknown

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Byter.write_string(string: Any) returns unknown

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Byter.write_string(string: Any, length: Any) returns unknown

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Byter.write_string_aligned4(string: Any) returns unknown

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Byter.write_string_aligned4(string: Any, length: Any) returns unknown

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Byter.write_int8(value: Any) returns unknown

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Byter.write_uint8(value: Any) returns unknown

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Byter.write_int16(value: Any) returns unknown

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Byter.write_int32(value: Any) returns unknown

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Byter.write_int64(value: Any) returns unknown

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Byter.write_uint16(value: Any) returns unknown

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Byter.write_uint32(value: Any) returns unknown

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Byter.write_uint64(value: Any) returns unknown

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Byter.write_float32(value: Any) returns unknown

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Byter.write_float64(value: Any) returns unknown

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Byter.write_uuid(uuid: Any) returns unknown

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import "luxe: bytes" for Bytes

no docs found Any) returns Bytes

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Bytes.length returns unknown

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Bytes [index : Any] returns unknown

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Bytes [index : Any]=(value : Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.from_string(string: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.set_from(other: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.copy(other: Any, at: Any, length: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.copy(other: Any, to: Any, from: Any, length: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.set_string(at: Any, value: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.set_string(at: Any, value: Any, length: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.get_string(at: Any, length: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.set_int8(at: Any, value: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.set_int16(at: Any, value: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.set_int32(at: Any, value: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.set_int64(at: Any, value: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.set_uint8(at: Any, value: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.set_uint16(at: Any, value: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.set_uint32(at: Any, value: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.set_uint64(at: Any, value: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.set_float32(at: Any, value: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.set_float64(at: Any, value: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.get_int8(at: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.get_int16(at: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.get_int32(at: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.get_int64(at: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.get_uint8(at: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.get_uint16(at: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.get_uint32(at: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.get_uint64(at: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.get_float32(at: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.get_float64(at: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.get(at: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.set(at: Any, value: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.bytes() returns unknown

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Bytes.clear() returns unknown

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Bytes.padding(length: Any, align: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.padding(length: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.iterate(iter: Any) returns unknown

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Bytes.iteratorValue(iter: Any) returns unknown

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import "luxe: bytes" for BytesReader

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BytesReader.pos returns unknown

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BytesReader.pos=(v : Any) returns unknown

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BytesReader.bytes returns unknown

no docs found Any) returns BytesReader

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BytesReader.from_string(string: Any) returns unknown

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BytesReader.skip(count: Any) returns unknown

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BytesReader.check_bounds(to_read: Any) returns unknown

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BytesReader.get_string(length: Any) returns unknown

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BytesReader.get_int8() returns unknown

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BytesReader.get_int16() returns unknown

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BytesReader.get_int32() returns unknown

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BytesReader.get_int64() returns unknown

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BytesReader.get_uint8() returns unknown

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BytesReader.get_uint16() returns unknown

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BytesReader.get_uint32() returns unknown

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BytesReader.get_uint64() returns unknown

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BytesReader.get_float32() returns unknown

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BytesReader.get_float64() returns unknown

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import "luxe: bytes" for BytesWriter

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BytesWriter.pos returns Num

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BytesWriter.pos=(v : Num) returns unknown

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BytesWriter.count returns Num

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BytesWriter.capacity returns Num

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BytesWriter.bytes returns String

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BytesWriter.inner returns Bytes

no docs found Num) returns BytesWriter

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BytesWriter.resize(new_capacity: Num) returns None

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BytesWriter.ensure(write_length: Num) returns None

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BytesWriter.write_string(string: String, length: Num) returns None

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BytesWriter.write_string(string: String) returns None

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BytesWriter.write_string_aligned4(string: String, length: Num) returns None

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BytesWriter.write_string_aligned4(string: String) returns None

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BytesWriter.write_string_and_length(string: String, length: Num) returns None

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BytesWriter.write_string_and_length(string: String) returns None

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BytesWriter.write_int8(value: Num) returns None

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BytesWriter.write_uint8(value: Num) returns None

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BytesWriter.write_int16(value: Num) returns None

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BytesWriter.write_int32(value: Num) returns None

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BytesWriter.write_int64(value: Num) returns None

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BytesWriter.write_uint16(value: Num) returns None

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BytesWriter.write_uint32(value: Num) returns None

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BytesWriter.write_uint64(value: Num) returns None

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BytesWriter.write_float32(value: Num) returns None

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BytesWriter.write_float64(value: Num) returns None

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BytesWriter.write_uuid(uuid: String) returns None

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import "luxe: bytes" for Floats

no docs found Any) returns Floats

Create a new Floats instance that can store the amount of elements specified.

Floats.length returns unknown

Get the size of the array in bytes. Since a float is 4 bytes, this should always be value.size * 4.

Floats.capacity returns unknown

Get the capacity of the underlying array. When resizing up to this amount of elements, the array does not need to be reallocated. You can ignore this most of the time.

Floats.size returns unknown

Get the amount of elements in the array.

Floats [index : Any] returns unknown

Get the float value at a specific index.

Floats [index : Any]=(value : Any) returns unknown

Set the float value at a specific index.

Floats.resize(elements: Any) returns unknown

Resize array to new size.

Floats.get(at: Any) returns unknown

Get the float value at a specific index.

Floats.set(at: Any, value: Any) returns unknown

Set the float value at a specific index.

Floats.set(list: Any, at: Any, list_offset: Any, count: Any) returns unknown

Copy a part of a list into this array. This will grow the array if nessecary.

Floats.set(list: Any) returns unknown

Set the array to have the contents of a list. The array will be resized to have the same count as the list

Floats.ortho(left: Any, top: Any, right: Any, bottom: Any, near: Any, far: Any) returns unknown

Makes the array a 4x4 (16 elements) orthographic projection matrix for camera rendering.

Floats.perspective(fov_vertical: Any, aspect: Any, near: Any, far: Any) returns unknown

Makes the array a 4x4 (16 elements) perspective projection matrix for camera rendering.

Floats.transform(px: Any, py: Any, pz: Any, rx: Any, ry: Any, rz: Any, sx: Any, sy: Any, sz: Any) returns unknown

Makes the array a 4x4 (16 elements) model/transform matrix.

Floats.iterate(iter: Any) returns unknown

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Floats.iteratorValue(iter: Any) returns unknown

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import "luxe: bytes" for Uint16

Tight uint16 array. Handeled internally as a C++ array, but will properly be deallocated by the wren garbage collector. Any) returns Uint16

Create an array with the requested amount of elements

Uint16.length returns unknown

Get the size of the array in bytes. This is twice the amount of elements it can hold since each element takes up 2 bytes.

Uint16 [index : Any] returns unknown

Get the int value at a specific index.

Uint16 [index : Any]=(value : Any) returns unknown

Set the int value at a specific index.

Uint16.get(at: Any) returns unknown

Get the int value at a specific index.

Uint16.set(at: Any, value: Any) returns unknown

Set the int value at a specific index.

Uint16.set(list: Any, at: Any, list_offset: Any, count: Any) returns unknown

Copy a part of a list into this array. This will fail if trying to write outside the array bounds.

Uint16.set(list: Any) returns unknown

Set the array to have the contents of a list. This will fail if trying to write outside the array bounds and will leave elements unchanged if list is shorter than array.

Uint16.iterate(iter: Any) returns unknown

no docs found

Uint16.iteratorValue(iter: Any) returns unknown

no docs found


import "luxe: bytes" for Uint32

Tight uint32 array. Handeled internally as a C++ array, but will properly be deallocated by the wren garbage collector. Any) returns Uint32

Create an array with the requested amount of elements

Uint32.length returns unknown

Get the size of the array in bytes. This is twice the amount of elements it can hold since each element takes up 2 bytes.

Uint32 [index : Any] returns unknown

Get the int value at a specific index.

Uint32 [index : Any]=(value : Any) returns unknown

Set the int value at a specific index.

Uint32.get(at: Any) returns unknown

Get the int value at a specific index.

Uint32.set(at: Any, value: Any) returns unknown

Set the int value at a specific index.

Uint32.set(list: Any, at: Any, list_offset: Any, count: Any) returns unknown

Copy a part of a list into this array. This will fail if trying to write outside the array bounds.

Uint32.set(list: Any) returns unknown

Set the array to have the contents of a list. This will fail if trying to write outside the array bounds and will leave elements unchanged if list is shorter than array.

Uint32.iterate(iter: Any) returns unknown

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Uint32.iteratorValue(iter: Any) returns unknown

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