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luxe API (2025.1.2)

luxe: events module


import "luxe: events" for Events

A simple event system for listening to and emitting events.

Note: this API will likely change to ID based soon, where on listening, an ID will be returned, and use that ID to unlisten rather than needing the function object. returns Events

Create a new Events instance to use.

var events =

Events.once(tags: List, fn: Fn) returns String

Connect a function to the given tags, that is automatically removed after the event is emitted. The function takes a single argument, data, which is sent from emit.

events.once(["example"]) {|data|
  Log.print("event received: data = `%(data)`")

//make the event happen, will call the above function
//which prints  event received: data = `321`
events.emit(["example"], 321)
//fire the event again, but this one does NOT print,
//because the event was only listening once
events.emit(["example"], 654)

Events.listen(tags: List, fn: Fn) returns String

Connect a function to the given tags. The function will be called each time the event is emitted, until unlisten is called. The function takes a single argument, data, which is sent through emit. Returns an id that you give to unlisten.

var tags = ["example", "tags"]
var fn = {|data|
  Log.print("data = `%(data)`")

var id = events.listen(tags, fn)
events.emit(tags, "hello")          //prints data = `hello`
events.emit(tags, { "map":"data" }) //prints data = `{map:data}`
events.emit(tags)                   //prints data = `null`
events.unlisten_id(tags, id)        //remove the function
events.emit(tags)                   //nothing printed

Events.unlisten(tags: List, fn: Fn) returns None

Removes a connected function for the specified tags (if one exists), by specifying the same function passed to listen. See listen for example.

events.unlisten(["tag"], fn)

Events.unlisten_id(tags: List, id: String) returns None

Removes a connected function for the specified tags (if one exists). The id is the one returned from listen. See listen for example.

events.unlisten_id(["tag"], id)

Events.unlisten(tags: List) returns None

Removes ALL functions from the specified tags, clearing them.


Events.emit(tags: List) returns None

Emit the event tags so that any connected functions will be called. Sends null for the data argument to the functions. See listen for an example.


Events.emit(tags: List, data: Any) returns None

Emit the event tags so that any connected functions will be called. Sends data as is for the data argument to the functions. See listen for an example.

events.emit(["tag"], ["hello"])