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luxe API (2025.1.2)

luxe: sat2D module


import "luxe: sat2D" for SAT2D

The SAT2D API is a collision and query API for the luxe: shape2D shapes and types. It implements the "separating axis theorom" for collision.
Note The return values in the API are not user friendly atm, this will improve. They return lists with various values packed inside.

SAT2D.collide_shape(shape1: Any, shape2: Any) returns unknown

Check if two Shape2D instances are colliding. Returns a result with several values in a List.

The results include a separation value for x and y axis, which is how much to move shape1 to cancel out the overlap. An example of using this: move a player shape2D collider, check for collision, and then move them back by separation so that they do not collide anymore.

  shape1,       //the original shapes
  overlap,      //amount the shapes overlap
  separation_x, //the amount to separate on the x axis
  separation_y, //the amount to separate on the y axis
  normal_x,     //the normal of the collision
  normal_y      //the amount to separate on the y axis

SAT2D.collide_shapes(shape: Any, list: Any) returns unknown

Like collide_shape for details on the results, but checks multiple shapes against a single one. For example SAT2D.collide_shapes(player, walls), where walls is a list of Shape2D to collide against.

Note this returns a list of results, and each result is a list described by collide_shape.

//:todo: example. see samples/wip/shape2D

SAT2D.contains(shape: Any, point: Any) returns unknown

Returns true if the given Shape2D contains point.

SAT2D.sweep_shape(shape1: Any, shape2: Any, vel: Any) returns unknown

SAT2D.raycast_ray(ray1: Any, ray2: Any) returns unknown

SAT2D.raycast_rays(ray: Any, rays: Any) returns unknown

SAT2D.raycast_shape(ray: Any, shape: Any) returns unknown

SAT2D.raycast_shapes(ray: Any, shapes: Any) returns unknown