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luxe API (2025.1.2)

luxe: selection module


import "luxe: selection" for Selection

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Selection.CHANGE returns unknown

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Selection.DESELECT returns unknown

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Selection.SELECT returns unknown

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Selection.INVALID returns unknown

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Selection.PRE_CHANGE returns unknown

no docs found returns String

no docs found returns Events

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Selection.selected returns List

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Selection.any() returns Bool

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Selection.is_selected(value: Any) returns Bool

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Selection.is_selected(value: Any, non_transient_only: Bool) returns Bool

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Selection.is_invalid_selection(value: Any) returns String

returns a string as a reason if not able to select, otherwise returns null

Selection.count returns Num

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Selection.first returns Any

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Selection.last returns Any

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Selection.transient returns Bool

no docs found String) returns Selection

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Selection.destroy() returns unknown

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Selection.emit(kind: Any, items: List) returns unknown

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Selection.start_transient(change: Fn) returns unknown

Start a transient selection where changes will be stored separately and notifed of a change directly

Selection.end_transient() returns None

End a transient selection, read .selected before calling to capture the transient selection

Selection.sync(other: Selection) returns unknown

Sync selection with another instance.

Selection.unsync(other: Selection) returns unknown

Stop syncing selection.

Selection.deselect() returns unknown

Clear the selection. emits DESELECT with a list of items deselected

Selection.deselect(item: Any) returns unknown

Deselect the given item. emits DESELECT with a list containing the item

Selection.deselect_items(items: List) returns unknown

Deselect the given items. emits DESELECT with a list containing the items (ones that were actually selected) Any) returns unknown

select the given item. emits SELECT with a list containing the item Any, plural: Bool) returns unknown

Select the given item, and if plural is true, the item is added to the existing selection. If not, the selection is cleared and only this item is selected afterward. Emits SELECT with a list containing the item

Selection.select_items(items: List) returns None

Select multiple items. Replaces the current selection. Emits SELECT with a list containing the items

Selection.select_items(items: List, plural: Bool) returns None

Select the given items, and if plural is true, the items are added to the existing selection. If not, the selection is cleared and only the items are selected afterward. Emits SELECT with a list containing the items

Selection.toggle(item: Any) returns unknown

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Selection.notify() returns None

send a change event for the selection

Selection.set_invalid_handler(fn: Fn) returns unknown

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