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luxe API (2025.1.2)

luxe: system/physics/physics3D.modifier module


import "luxe: system/physics/physics3D.modifier" for Data

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  • var gravity : Float3 = [0, -9.8, 0]


import "luxe: system/physics/physics3D.modifier" for Physics3D

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Physics3D.create_in(world: World) returns unknown

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Physics3D.cast_ray_closest(world: World, origin: Float3, dir: Float3, distance: Num) returns CastRayResult

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Physics3D.cast_ray(world: World, origin: Float3, dir: Float3, distance: Num) returns unknown

Cast a ray into the world and return all hits, sorted by closest first

Physics3D.set_debug_draw(world: World, state: Bool) returns None

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Physics3D.unlisten(world: World, handle: Handle) returns Bool

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Physics3D.listen(world: World, fn: Fn) returns unknown

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import "luxe: system/physics/physics3D.modifier" for System

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  • new(world: World)
  • init(world: World) World) returns System

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System.init(world: World) returns unknown

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