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luxe API (2025.1.2)

luxe: ui/field/path module


import "luxe: ui/field/path" for UIPath

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UIPath.create(ui: Entity) returns unknown

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UIPath.set_validation(path: Control, fn: Fn) returns unknown

set a validation function to be called which will ensure the path is validated before use

UIPath.set_defaults(path: Control, default_path: String, filters: String) returns unknown

set the default file dialog path and file dialog filters

UIPath.set_defaults(path: Control, default_path: String) returns unknown

set the default file dialog path

UIPath.set_type(path: Control, type: UIPathType) returns unknown

set the path type, to open/save/folder

UIPath.get_text_field(path: Control) returns unknown

return the text field

UIPath.get_path(path: Control) returns unknown

return the path stored in the field

UIPath.set_path(path: Control, path_value: String) returns unknown

set the path stored in the field (will be validated)


import "luxe: ui/field/path" for UIPathState

no docs found Entity, control: Control) returns UIPathState

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UIPathState.get_text_field() returns unknown

no docs found

UIPathState.get_path() returns unknown

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UIPathState.set_path(path: String) returns unknown

no docs found

UIPathState.set_validation(fn: Fn) returns unknown

no docs found

UIPathState.set_defaults(default_path: String, filters: String) returns unknown

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UIPathState.set_type(type: UIPathType) returns unknown

no docs found


import "luxe: ui/field/path" for UIPathType

no docs found returns unknown

no docs found returns unknown

no docs found

UIPathType.folder returns unknown

no docs found