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luxe API (2025.1.2)

luxe: ui/label module


import "luxe: ui/label" for UIAutoSize

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UIAutoSize.none returns unknown

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UIAutoSize.width returns unknown

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UIAutoSize.height returns unknown

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UIAutoSize.both returns unknown

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import "luxe: ui/label" for UILabel

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UILabel.create(ui_entity: Any) returns UILabel

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UILabel.set_text(label: Any, text: Any) returns None

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UILabel.get_text(label: Any) returns String

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UILabel.get_render_text(label: Any) returns unknown

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UILabel.get_text_extents(label: Any, offset: Any, count: Any) returns unknown

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UILabel.get_text_extents(label: Any) returns unknown

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UILabel.set_font(label: Any, font: Any) returns unknown

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UILabel.get_font(label: Any) returns unknown

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UILabel.set_color(label: Any, color: Any) returns unknown

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UILabel.get_color(label: Any) returns unknown

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UILabel.set_color_hover(label: Any, color: Any) returns unknown

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UILabel.get_color_hover(label: Any) returns unknown

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UILabel.set_text_size(label: Any, size: Any) returns unknown

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UILabel.get_text_size(label: Any) returns unknown

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UILabel.set_align(label: Any, align: Any) returns unknown

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UILabel.get_align(label: Any) returns unknown

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UILabel.set_align_vertical(label: Any, align: Any) returns unknown

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UILabel.get_align_vertical(label: Any) returns unknown

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UILabel.set_text_style(label: Any, style: TextStyle) returns None

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UILabel.get_text_style(label: Any) returns TextStyle

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UILabel.set_max_visible(label: Any, visible_count: Num) returns None

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UILabel.get_max_visible(label: Any) returns Num

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UILabel.set_auto_size(label: Any, state: UIAutoSize) returns None

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UILabel.set_overflow_scroll(label: Any, type: UIOverflowScroll, speed: Num, wait: Num, pause: Num) returns None

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UILabel.set_overflow_scroll(label: Any, speed: Num, wait: Num, pause: Num) returns None

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UILabel.set_loc(label: Any, space: String, key: String) returns None

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UILabel.set_loc(label: Any, key: String) returns unknown

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UILabel.set_loc_with_args(label: Any, space: String, key: String, args: List) returns None

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UILabel.set_loc_with_args(label: Any, key: String, args: List) returns unknown

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UILabel.set_outline(control: UILabel, radius: Num, softness: Num, color: Color, offset: Float2) returns None

Set the text outline parameters.

UILabel.set_shadow(control: UILabel, radius: Num, softness: Num, color: Color, offset: Float2) returns None

Set the text shadow parameters.


import "luxe: ui/label" for UIOverflowScroll

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UIOverflowScroll.none returns unknown

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UIOverflowScroll.always returns unknown

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UIOverflowScroll.width_overflow returns unknown

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