Custom controls¶
custom control = blank control¶
More specifically,
a custom control is a blank control that has been specialized.
This is exactly how the built in controls work too. There are two behaviours that separate a custom control from a custom one:
- response to built in events (and optionally emitting new events)
- the rendering behaviour of a control
custom behaviour¶
We can use Control.set_process(control, function)
to handle built in events,
and then implement custom behaviour and events based on them.
Let's make a nonsense example, a control that emits a change event based on which quadrant the input is in. We'll make a helper function that returns one.
get_quadrant(x,y,w,h, input_x, input_y) {
var mid_x = (x + w*0.5)
var mid_y = (y + h*0.5)
var is_left = input_x > x && input_x <= mid_x
var is_right = input_x > mid_x && input_x < (x + w)
var is_top = input_y > y && input_y <= mid_y
var is_bottom = input_y > mid_y && input_y < (y + h)
if(is_left && is_top) return 0
if(is_right && is_top) return 1
if(is_right && is_bottom) return 2
if(is_left && is_bottom) return 3
return -1
} //get_quadrant
Quadrant change event¶
Now we can make our control behave this way, and fire a user facing event.
Note that we need to call Control.set_allow_input
so that we get the move event.
var custom = Control.create(ui)
Control.set_allow_input(custom, true)
Control.set_process(custom) {|control, state, event, x,y,w,h|
if(event.control != control) return //required
//we respond to a move event
if(event.type == UIEvent.move) {
var quadrant = get_quadrant(x,y,w,h, event.x,event.y)
if(quadrant != -1) {
UI.events_emit(control, UIEvent.change, quadrant)
} //move event
} //set_process
This example is interesting, but it doesn't remember what quadrant it was in, so it sends the event any time the mouse moves, regardless of if there was a change in quadrant.
Persistent state¶
To fix that, we'll use that state
value that's being passed into our process function.
To do that, we can store any value we want in there, via Control.set_state_data(control, data)
That means we could store a class with variables, or just a single value like a number.
For this example, we'll store the quadrant itself to keep it simple.
var custom = Control.create(ui)
Control.set_allow_input(custom, true)
Control.set_state_data(custom, -1) //no quadrant
Control.set_process(custom) {|control, state, event, x,y,w,h|
if(event.control != control) return //required
if(event.type == UIEvent.move) {
var current_quadrant = state
var new_quadrant = get_quadrant(x,y,w,h, event.x,event.y)
if(new_quadrant != current_quadrant) {
UI.events_emit(control, UIEvent.change, quadrant)
Control.set_state_data(custom, new_quadrant)
} //move event
} //set_process
There, now the event only fires when there's an actual change.
Our specialized API¶
Since we've made a control that behaves in a specialized way, we should make
it available via an idiomatic create
class Quadrant {
static create(ui) {
//our create lives here now
var custom = Control.create(ui)
Control.set_allow_input(custom, true)
// ... continued
// ...
// then return our new control
return custom
} //create
} //Quadrant
The user facing side¶
The user of our quadrant control can now create one,
and would use the regular event callback to handle our custom event.
In this example we've reused the change
event and given it meaning for our control.
var quadrant = Quadrant.create(ui)
Control.set_event(quadrant) {|event|
if(event.type == UIEvent.change) {
Log.print("quadrant changed! now `%(event.change)`")
custom rendering¶
Similar to the Control.set_process()
function, there exists a Control.set_render()
function too.
Let's make our control draw a colored box showing the active quadrant. This extends what we have so far,
we just add a custom render function as well.
displaying the active quad¶
var colors = [[1,0,0,1], [0,1,0,1], [0,0,1,1], [1,1,1,1], [0,0,0,1]]
Control.set_render(custom) {|control, state, x,y,w,h|
//depth is relative in UI, so we ask for depth 0
//relative to our control to draw at.
var depth = UI.draw_depth_of(control, 0)
var angle = 0 //just for clarity / no magic numbers
var quadrant = state //remember we're just storing a number
//if no quadrant, just draw a black box covering the whole control
if(quadrant == -1) {
UI.draw_quad(control, x, y, depth, w, h, angle, colors[4])
} else {
var mid_x = w*0.5
var mid_y = h*0.5
var box_x = x
var box_y = y
var box_w = mid_x
var box_h = mid_y
if(quadrant == 1 || quadrant == 2) box_x = box_x + mid_x
if(quadrant == 2 || quadrant == 3) box_y = box_y + mid_y
box_x, box_y, depth,
box_w, box_h,
angle, colors[quadrant])
} //has quadrant
} //set_render
more drawing¶
There are several drawing functions, found here in the UI API.
They offer drawing either solid or outlined versions of basic shapes similar to the Draw API. There's also text and images as you'd expect.
One side effect of this style of rendering, is that you have access to state outside of the control.
That includes game state, player state, and more. If your control was doing custom rendering, there's no need for it to be updated with (for example) the number of plants a player has watered, because you can read it directly, it will always show the latest value.